Ali Hama Salh: the salary of 1200 illegal retired persons have been stopped


A member of Gorran bloc in the Kurdistan Parliament announced that: there are about 217 thousands of retired people in Kurdistan, in the recent days, a decision to stop the salary of more than 1200 persons have been taken. Those people have been retired illegally, the salary a part of them is sic million dinars.

“There are about 217 thousands of retired people in Kurdistan, thousands of them have been retired illegally without serving,” said  Ali Hama salh in his account on Facebbok.

He also mentioned: “in the recent days, more than 1200 persons who have been retire with high and special rank illegally, their cases are selected and their salaries have been stopped.”

He stressed that the high corruption has been done in the military retirement. About 117 thousands persons have military retirement. Those cases should be solved as soon as possible.

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